enquiries@rivelin.sheffield.sch.uk0114 234 1304

Attendance Record

The government requires governing bodies to publish the following information about governors on its website. This includes our current governors and anyone else who has been on the governing body in the last 12 months.

The following governors have stepped down in the last year:  Claire Crabb and Renata Kirby


Name: Type: Appointed date: Term of office: Stepped down: Appointed by:
Dave Higgens Chair of Governers 01/02/2017 6 years Current Governors
Renata Kirby Vice Governors 29/01/2016 7 years Current Elected
Tracey Naylor Co-opted 13/10/2018 4 years Current Governors
Hayley Wright Headteacher June 2022 1 year Current Headteacher
Alison Sothard Parents 13/07/2017 6 years Current Governors
Kamiran H GB/Board 21/07/2021 2 years Current Governors
Jill Collins GB/Board 21/07/2021 1 year Current Governors
Andrew Caine  Parents 21/07/2021 1 year  Current Parents
Kathryn Rothwell Parents 07/02/2020 3 years Current Parents
Peter Jow Parents 21/07/2021 2 years Current Parents

Governors Attendance Record

NAME 16th Mar 2022 11th May 2022 20th June 2022 26th Sep 2022 30th Nov 2022
Dave  Present Present Present Present Present
Renata K Present Present Present Present Present
Jo P Present Present Present /// ///
Tracey N Present Present Present Present Present
Alison S Present Present Present Present Present
Kat R Present Present Present Present Present
Clare C Present Absent Present Present Absent
Peter J Absent Present Present Present Absent
Andrew C Present Present Present Present Present
Jill C Present Present Present Present Present
Kamiran H Present Absent Absent Present Absent
Rachel C /// /// Present /// ///
Hayley W /// /// Present Present Present
Sharon W /// /// /// Present Present
Nicola L /// /// Present /// ///
Elizabeth B /// /// Present /// ///


2023 25th Jan 2023 15th Mar 2023 13th Sept 2023 16th Oct 2023 18th Dec 2023
Dave H Present Present Present Present Present
Renata K Present Present Present Present Present
Andy C Present Present Present Present Present
Jill C Present Absent Present Present Present
Clare C Present Absent /// /// ///
Kamiran H Present Present Present Absent Present
Peter J Present Present Present Absent Present
Tracey N Present Absent Present Absent Present
Kat R Present Absent Present Absent Present
Alison S Present Absent Present Present Absent
Hayley W Present Present Present Present Present
Anna Baker /// /// /// Present Present
Sharon W Present Present Absent Absent Present


2024 5th Feb 2024 25th Mar 2024 20th May 2024 11th Sep 2024  
Dave H Present Present Absent Present  
Andy C Present Present Present Absent  
Jill C Present Present Absent Present  
Kamiran H Present Absent Absent Absent  
Peter J Present Present Present Present  
Tracey N Present Present Present Absent  
Kat R Present Present Present Present  
Alison S Present Present Present Absent  
Hayley W Present Present Present Present  
Anna Baker Present Present Present Present  
Sharon W Absent Present Absent Absent  














Wednesday 24th April: Develop meeting

Monday 20th May: Full board

Monday 15th July: Full board



Governors are required to declare any relevant interests they have in the following areas. This applies to all people who have been governors in the last 12 months, even if they have stepped down.

 Whether they have any relationship with any other governors or with any school staff

 There are no such declarations at Rivelin

 Whether they are governors at any other school

 There are no such declarations at Rivelin

 Whether they have any relevant pecuniary interests – eg. through “the company by whom they are employed, directorships, significant shareholdings or other appointments of influence within a business or other organisation which may have dealings with the school”.

Judy Kelso has declared that she works for SAYiT which is a charity that provides training and support to Sheffield schools.







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RivelinPrimary school

Morley St, Sheffield S6 2PL

School Office0114 234 1304
