Reading for Pleasure
Reading for Pleasure
“Reading for Pleasure is the single most important indicator of a child’s success.”(OECD 2002)
At Rivelin, we are dedicated to ensuring that every child at Rivelin will learn to read confidently, fluently and for pleasure.
As a school committed to reading for pleasure (RFP) we follow RFP pedagogy and ensure that this is embedded throughout school.
At Rivelin, we are committed to making sure that every child learns to read with confidence, fluency, and enjoyment. As a school that values reading for pleasure (RFP), we follow RFP practices and ensure they are integrated throughout the school
RFP pedagogy includes:
Social reading environments
Reading aloud
Informal book talk, inside text talk and recommendations
Independent reading time
Our staff are dedicated to staying updated on the latest children’s literature, ensuring they can offer thoughtful and informed book recommendations to the children they support. Staff make it a priority to understand each child’s reading preferences and habits. We value the role of inspiring every child to read by providing them with a wide range of carefully selected literature, including picture books, graphic novels, comics, newspapers, and children’s novels.
Every classroom has an inviting reading area along with RfP displays throughout school including specific book recommendations from adults in school. Our school library is a vibrant hub where every class visits weekly to encourage independent reading for pleasure (RfP). It also hosts library clubs and offers opportunities for after-school browsing.
Insert pictures of reading areas and school library here
In our weekly celebration assemblies, children are awarded reading certificates for reading regularly at home, to recognise the impact that home reading can have on children’s progress.
Insert pictures of children holding up reading certificates
Please look at the tips below for reading together at home.