enquiries@rivelin.sheffield.sch.uk0114 234 1304


We all have a statutory duty to “safeguard and promote the welfare of children”, (Working together to safeguard children, DfE 2018) up to the age of 18 years.

If you have any concerns about the health and safety of a child or young person at this education setting or feel that something may be troubling them, you should share this information with an appropriate member of staff straight away.

Some issues such as a child’s appearance, hygiene, general behaviour, can be shared with any teacher or member of support staff in this setting. Do not worry about reporting small matters – we would rather that you tell us things which turn out to be small than miss a worrying situation.

However, if you think that a child, a young person or an adult who cares for them has been or might be harmed; please talk to one of the people below immediately.

You can ask any member of staff to find them and ask them to speak to you straight away about a confidential and urgent matter.

Please click here to be directed to Sheffield's 'Safeguarding Children' page.

For a detailed list of our specific safeguarding roles in School.An allegation or disclosure involving someone working with children in a paid or unpaid capacity MUST be reported directly to the Headteacher or Designated Safeguarding Lead, unless it involves them and then it should be reported directly to the Chair of the Governing Body, Mr Dave Higgens. 

T.NAYLOR.jpg Designated Safeguarding Lead - Mrs T Naylor - Contact on - 0114 234 1304


    H.WRIGHT(1).jpg  Designated Safeguarding Deputy - Mrs H Wright - Contact on - 0114 234 1304


The Safeguarding Children Team in your setting includes:

Executive Head & Head of School: Responsible for implementing policies & procedures, allocating resources to the safeguarding team & addressing staff safeguarding concerns.

Name: Mrs Tracey Naylor and Mrs Hayley Wright                                                           Tel no: 0114 234 1304

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL): Teaching or pastoral staff from senior leadership team, responsible for all safeguarding issues, advising & supporting staff, liaising with the local authority & other agencies.

Name: Mrs Tracey Naylor                                                                                               Tel no: 0114 234 1304

Designated Safeguarding Deputy (DSD): A teacher, support or pastoral worker, in a post which requires assessment of children, deputises for the DSL. Not an administrative or finance worker.

Name: Mrs Hayley Wright                                                                                               Tel no: 0114 234 1304

Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) Lead: Support for pupils & staff to understand CSE & related topics & how to refer.

Name: Mrs Tracey Naylor                                                                                               Tel no: 0114 234 1304

Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCo): Support for staff & other agencies working with pupils with special education needs & disabilities and their parents & carers.

Name: Mrs Kate Grayson                                                                                                Tel no: 0114 234 1304

Senior Learning Mentor: Develops strategies & support to help pupils achieve their full potential.

Name: Mrs Tracey Naylor                                                                                               Tel no: 0114 234 1304

Looked after Children (LAC) Designated Teacher: Promotes the education of ‘looked after’ children.

Name: Mrs Hayley Wright                                                                                               Tel no: 0114 234 1304

Online-Safety Coordinator: Develops & maintains a safe online culture within a setting.

Name:Mrs Hayley Wright & Miss Claire Smith                                                                 Tel no: 0114 234 1304

Education Welfare Officer: Addresses difficulties preventing pupils from attending school.

Name: Mr Dale Edwardes                                                                                                 Tel no: 0114 234 1379

Counsellor: Provides mental health support and advice to pupils.           

Name: Mrs Tracey Naylor                                                                                                 Tel no: 0114 234 1304

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Lead: Supports staff to keep pupils up to 5 years old safe and well.

Name: Miss Kate Spencer                                                                                                Tel no: 0114 234 1304

Medical Practitioner: Supports pupils’ medical needs, ill health absence, medicines & individual healthcare plans.

Name: SLT                                                                                                                       Tel no: 0114 234 1304

Your Safeguarding Children Team also links in with the:

Safeguarding/Child Protection Governor: Ensures there are appropriate policies & procedures in place, that they are being implemented & followed, & challenges deficiencies & weaknesses that are identified.

Name: Mrs Kat Rothwell                                                                                                    Tel no: 0114 234 1304

Chair of Governors/Management Committee: Leads on safe recruitment & allegations of abuse against Head of School, Senior Manager & other staff & liaises with Local Authority

Name: Mr Dave Higgens                                                                                                 `Tel no: 0114 234 1304



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