Foundation Stage 2
Our EYFS Vision
At Rivelin we are firmly committed to the importance of the early years and this stage in a child’s education. We aspire to give our children the best possible start to their school life, providing experiences which will ensure their well-being now and success in the future.
We believe that children learn best through play and that learning should be fun, exciting and engaging. We strive for our children to become independent and creative thinkers who have the freedom to take risks and learn from their mistakes.
We believe that a positive start in EYFS sets the children up with a love for learning and a positive attitude and transition throughout the rest of their school life.
The EYFS Curriculum
A vibrant and balanced curriculum is at the core of all we do. Our child centred and quality assured space provides opportunities for children to fully engage in child led learning.
At the start of each half term, we aim to generate real excitement through exciting visitors, days out and exploratory walks. Our seasonal and personalised approach allows us to explore those topics that children are really interested and motivated by – Pirates and Super Heroes, changing seasons, Electronic Toys and Chinese New Year to name a few!! Our “In the Moment” planning approach is flexible and open to change, based on the exciting experiences and news and ideas the children share with us.
We balance child led learning with discreet teacher led learning time. We teach Phonics, Literacy and Numeracy daily in a range of practical and fun ways. Communication and Language Development is equally at the centre of what we do and we teach vocabulary and conversation skills through our exciting shared story telling approach -“Helicopter Stories”.
The Great Outdoors
Our hugely popular outdoor area reflects our indoor provision in that we provide opportunities in a wide range of curriculum areas. We strongly believe that children need to move in order to thrive and the children have daily free flowing access to the outdoors with opportunities to climb, balance, pedal and run!
We also look for opportunities outside for them to develop their numeracy and literacy skills in an active way, which is important for those children who find sitting still a challenge! We are proud to say that the children are happy and engaged learners
Through this exciting and skilfully balanced approach we are proud to say the majority of our pupils achieve a Good Level of Development and are well prepared and excited about their transition into Year 1.
Nurture and Well-being in EYFS
A child’s well-being is very important to us. Our Nurture Room (installed in 2018) provides a safe haven, a space which is calm and gives a child time to be alone and reflect if they need to. The Nurture Room is available and open to all our children, but can be very useful for individuals with specific needs when required. Our staff have attended training on Play Therapy, Nurture, Well-being and Attachment and are highly skilled in the identification of issues.
It is vital to get intervention and support right in the early years. When a child starts with us we really get to know them. An early diagnosis of difficulties means we can apply interventions where they are required.
Communication with Parents
Whether a child joins us in Reception or Nursery, we offer a personalised and carefully managed induction programme. One- to-one meetings and taster days are offered so that staff can really get to know our children and their families.
Questionnaires and meetings with other providers help us to identify a child’s current achievement and their next steps.
Assessment and Next Steps
Effective assessment is a focal point of our EYFS provision. Children are carefully assessed as part of a formative process and these assessments are constantly communicated to parents through our online assessment tool Tapestry.
Early diagnosis of difficulties is vital and where they are identified, interventions such can be applied. Staff are fully aware of individual children’s next steps for learning.