enquiries@rivelin.sheffield.sch.uk0114 234 1304

Our Class Gallery

Mayfest 24, by Mrs Brammer

Date: 28th May 2024 @ 10:57am

Mayfest 24


This years Mayfest was EPIC!

How lovey it was to see all the children and staff get involived in creating such a wonderful afternoon. We had the Ice bucket challenge, balloon making, splash the teacher, pop corn, guess the squashmallow, beat the goalie and so many more. The P.T.A organised not one but two bouncy castles aswel as a toy/book sale and a tombola.

It was wonderful to see see the Rivelin community come together, without you all this would have not have happened. A big thank you goes out to:

The P.T.A

Teaches, TA's, SLT, Mr Sykes, Office staff and the cleaners

You have helped raise £1748.58

Thank you!!


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Egg Competition 2024, by Mrs Brammer

Date: 26th Mar 2024 @ 8:36pm

Well done to everyone who has taken part in the egg competition this year. We have some incredible creations and we are so pleased that so many children have taken part. 

Here are some of the amazing enteries.......


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World Book Day 2024, by Mrs Brammer

Date: 7th Mar 2024 @ 7:21pm


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Y6 Residential 2024, by Mrs Brammer

Date: 7th Mar 2024 @ 12:59pm

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FS2 Teddy bears picnic 2024, by Mrs Brammer

Date: 9th Feb 2024 @ 11:39am

Here a few pictures from our FS2 Teddy bears picnic.....




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FS2 Luna New Year 2024, by Mrs Brammer

Date: 5th Feb 2024 @ 2:58pm

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Christmas 2023, by Mrs Brammer

Date: 13th Dec 2023 @ 8:30pm

The countdwn to Christmas has been ever so festive! We have been lucky enough to invite families into school to take part in Christmas crafts in the classroom, Y3-Y6 Christmas outdoor concert as well as our KS1 children performing their Christmas concerts

The staff and pupils took part in Christmas jumper day. Here's just a snippet of some of the Christmas jumpers that were worn in school.


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Christmas carol concert

The PTA were selling tea, coffee, hot chocolates and mulled wine as well as mince pies and biscuits. It was a wonderful evening shared by all.


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Y1 Zoolab, by Mrs Brammer

Date: 7th Dec 2023 @ 4:31pm

@ZooLabUK visited Year 1 this afternoon, where we experienced, and (safely!) handled, lots of different animals. Here are some pictures of the Butterfly Class having lots of fun! We used our core values of respect and curiosity - Eleanor taught us lots of fantastic facts about the habitats and diets of these wonderful creatures! 🕷️🐍🐸





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Y5 Residential 2023, by Mrs Brammer

Date: 28th Nov 2023 @ 6:16pm

We are having such a brilliant time on our Year 5 residential! The children have settled amazingly well and have already been busy developing their survival skills by making fires and shelter building!
Today we have been enjoying a crisp winter's day exploring the local area on a lovely walk up Mam Tor. We can't wait to share more of our adventures with you all! 
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Y4 Butterfly house 2023, by Mrs Brammer

Date: 13th Nov 2023 @ 5:40pm



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Y4 Poems, by Mrs Brammer

Date: 5th Oct 2023 @ 4:27pm

Y4 have created some poems based on Tanka poems which is an ancient Japanese form of poetry that is categorised by the number of syllables in each line.


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Art club 2023, by Mrs Brammer

Date: 19th Sep 2023 @ 3:10pm

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Harvesting pumpkins and planting daffodils, by Mrs Brammer

Date: 15th Sep 2023 @ 12:02pm

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Y4 Tag Rugby experience 2023, by Mrs Brammer

Date: 22nd Jun 2023 @ 10:26am

Some of our Y4 boys participated in a tag rugby experience over a Forge Valley school. They did excellent and showed amazing skills! Well done boys !
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FS2 Butterfly release 2023, by Mrs Brammer

Date: 25th May 2023 @ 2:34pm

The Reception children have watched our caterpillars grow, form a cocoon and emerge as butterflies. Today we released them!


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FS2 Making Fruit Kebabs, by Mrs Brammer

Date: 27th Apr 2023 @ 6:34pm

The FS2 children have been making fruit kebabs as part of their Healthy Living topic. A great opportunity for fine motor skills, independence, hand - eye coordination and maths - halving, quarters and patterns ????






Florence Nightingale 2023, by Mrs Brammer

Date: 27th Apr 2023 @ 6:24pm

Florence Nightingale visited Year 1 this morning for an amazing drama workshop. We learnt all about her lifetime achievements, and how her efforts in the Crimean War shaped modern-day nursing.  
Thank you to @thedrama_hut for such an exciting experience! ?

Science: sound, by Mrs Brammer

Date: 21st Apr 2023 @ 1:46pm

We have been experimenting with sound, seeing how sound is produced through vibrations. The children were so surprised to see how a tuning fork can make such a big splash!


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Easter 2023, by Mrs Brammer

Date: 30th Mar 2023 @ 10:54pm

Here are just a few of our pupils creations. We feel that everyone that participated has done a cracking job they should be Eggstatic with their creations.

Well done everyone!







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Our chick's, by Mrs Brammer

Date: 17th Mar 2023 @ 12:24pm

Over the past 2 days, reception have been patiently watching our chicks pip out of their eggs! We now have 5 (very noisy!) chicks ? 


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Y6 Caythorpe Residential 2023, by Mrs Brammer

Date: 10th Mar 2023 @ 1:11pm

The children have been having an excellent time despite of the chilly weather, and have shown excellent teamwork and encouragement towards one another. We've been complimented by the catering staff at mealtimes for the manners our children have shown, and they've been representing our school and their families well around the site. 

The children are keeping each other's spirits up, and we're inside now watching a film to keep them entertained. Everyone is excited to get home but they have had a fantastic experience, even with the snow!

Excellence for every child every day

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RivelinPrimary School

Rivelin provides a wide range of
extra-curricular activities throughout
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care can be accessed on site.

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RivelinPrimary school

Morley St, Sheffield S6 2PL

School Office0114 234 1304
