enquiries@rivelin.sheffield.sch.uk0114 234 1304


Welcome to Rivelin Primary School Early Years


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Meet the Early Years Team...


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 Mrs Leggatt is our EYFS Leader and Assistant   Headteacher






Our Nursery Team are (l-r) Mrs Grayson (Teacher) & Miss Gooch (Teacher), Miss MacDonald (TA) and Miss Hewitt(TA)


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Our Reception Team are (l-r) Mr Pottinger (Teacher), Miss Spencer (Teacher), Mrs Royles (Teaching Assistant), Mrs Hetherington (Teaching Assistant) Mrs Savage (Teaching Assistant)


Welcome to Rivelin Early Years. At Rivelin Primary School we are passionate about children learning through play, and as much as possible using real-life experiences to underpin their learning. We know that children learn best when their levels of well-being and engagement are high, so our EYFS team work collectively on ensuring children feel safe and secure and have many exciting learning opportunities across Nursery and Reception.

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Our Nursery:

 We offer both full-time and part-time places in our Nursery. Children in Nursery learn through a mixture of short carpet sessions with focused intentions, self-directed play and planned small group interventions to support them in key areas. We also adopt an "In The Moment" planning approach, where we follow a child's interests and scaffold key learning as children become really engaged in what interests them. We regularly have “Focus Weeks” where we welcome parents to come and share in their child’s learning. This helps us work in effective partnership with you to support your child.


Our Reception:

“Every time we teach a child something, we keep him from inventing it himself. On the other hand, that which we allow him to discover by himself will remain with him visibly for the rest of his life. Play is the work of childhood.” (Piaget). 

 At Rivelin, our EYFS vision is to foster and nurture the whole child, providing them with the skills and opportunities that will enable them to flourish and thrive.  

A rich, child-led, play-based learning environment, balanced by a carefully curated curriculum, will provide the building blocks for life. 

Each day, we teach discrete Phonics and Maths lessons. We follow Little Wandle Phonics and Mastery in Number and White Rose for Maths. We teach the former at the start of the morning and latter at the start of the afternoon session to allow children to have extended periods of child-led learning for the rest of each session.  

This is supplemented by rich topic sessions and real life experiences. 

We are committed to creating the best environment possible for the children, please take a look for yourself… 


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Our EYFS Curriculum




Long Term Planning

We use the EYFS Framework 2021 and Development Matters as a basis for curriculum planning but also plan a curriculum that is bespoke to the children at our school. We often make annual changes based on the interests and needs of the children in the cohort and the experiences they bring to school. Our planning is also led by the seasons, our local community and what is going on outside and in the world around us. Characteristics of Effective Learning are central to our planning and we plan a wealth of opportunities which allow children to demonstrate and practise these. We aim for a curriculum that is rich in real life experiences and relevant to the children at our school.

Medium Term Planning

Our medium term planning highlights the milestones we wish the children to meet in each of the Early Learning Goals at different points in the year.


The Poetry Basket

At Rivelin, Nursery and Reception children love to learn poems from the Poetry Basket. Reception children give a poetry recital for parents three times a year.

Listen to some of the poems, performed by members of staff at Rivelin!

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Excellence for every child every day

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RivelinPrimary School

Rivelin provides a wide range of
extra-curricular activities throughout
the year and before and after school
care can be accessed on site.

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RivelinPrimary school

Morley St, Sheffield S6 2PL

School Office0114 234 1304
